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These are just a few testimonials from some very happy customers. I'm sure you will agree with them if you give it a try.


Julia Engelhorn, Constantia

"Ozone Therapy has helped me a lot to recover from my cesarean. The wound has healed beautifully. It also helps me with my sore muscles from carrying the twins around! The setting is also wonderful. With the view of the garden and the pond it creates a relaxing and harmonious atmosphere. It gives me a chance to find myself again! Thank you Desiree"


Michael Smorenberg, Camps Bay

"Des, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the 'pressure' you put on me to get my skeptic self into your idyllic piece of paradise and a treatment. I can't explain my reluctance to come for a treatment, but I can't wait for the next one. Truly - your setting, your explanation, your attention to detail and commitment to offer a very professional and enjoyable treatment is absolutely clear.


Following treatments I've had, I feel energized and 'floating'. As I understand it, these treatments are cumulative in their effects, so I greatly look forward to enjoying ever increased health and wellbeing.


Please do use this recommendation of mine as and where you please - I can think of nothing more satisfying than to know that my experiences might reduce the skepticism of others and bring them the benefits I've felt."


Michael, Hout Bay

It is so important for general health to oxygenate the cells. I have been rejuvenated and energized by the five treatments at Absolute Ozone which, I have witnessed, also removes toxic waste from the body. I would strongly recommend this treatment on a regular basis for optimal health.


Lanesse Collins, Hout Bay


Dear Desiree


Thank you so much for the care and healing I felt when recovering from my shoulder op. The recovery surpassed the doctor’s expectations and I am sure this was because of the course of OZONE treatments I had. The scars have disappeared and I have regained 100% range of motion in a shorter time than I thought. I will keep using this treatment as a way to remain in optimal health, your setting is tranquil and I always leave feeling calm and relaxed.


Many thanks to you, Des. I will keep referring people who I feel would benefit from this wonderful therapy.


Santie, Noordhoek


I am diagnosed with pernicious anemia that means my red blood cells that carry oxygen to the tissue are constantly below normal and inadequate to transport enough oxygen. This contributes to severe fatigue, sleep disorder etc. Ozone therapy increases the oxygen concentration in the blood- because the blood vessels are dilated and with the increase in blood circulation, the cells are highly oxygenated as a result.


The benefits thereof are that my energy levels have increased and due to better sleeping patterns, my emotional state has also improved. Together with Desiree's kind and caring nature every session is highly valued.


Thoby Solheim (Life Coach)


I have the highest praise for Desiree and her work.

The treatment takesplace in a beautiful, discreet and serene location, is spotless and a placefor real relaxation.


Desiree is professional and charming and knows her trade. For people who are interested in taking steps towards a healthierlife I would thoroughly recommend a course of detox with Desiree



Lisa King, Hout Bay


I have been doing Oxygen therapy for almost a year now and just love it!

Not only do I enjoy the steam and love the way it makes me feel but I havenot been sick once this winter!!

I feel relaxed and grounded after my 30 minute session and for me to commit to something for a long period of time, shows how much I love it with the sound belief in the health benefits thereof.

I love Des and so enjoy my sessions with her.



Caroline Constant, Cleremont


As part of my on-going cancer therapy I’ve been going every week to Desiree in Hout Bay for a revitalising session in her HOCATT Ozone pod. 


HOCATT Ozone therapy is not just for cancer, it’s excellent for all sorts of things – boosting immune system, joint and muscle pain, degenerative diseases, ulcers, skin ailments, heart disease, diabetes, eye health, arthritis, fungal diseases, allergies â€“ well, everything really!   


Besides Desiree’s expertise and the never-ending list of benefits from the Ozone therapy, you walk out of there feeling like a million bucks!


Desiree is thoroughly professional and her relaxed warmth makes you feel nurtured and at home straight away.  I highly recommend Desiree and HOCATT Ozone therapy. 



Beverly Bennet, Hout Bay


I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 8 years ago. I have no balance and have difficulty walking and climbing stairs and I use a walking aid.
Fatigue is also a side effect of this disease.

As a result of my compromised mobility I have had painful knee joints and was taking anti-inflammatories every day.
I also suffered with severe night cramps in my legs.

I began ozone treatments with Desire at Absolute Ozone at the end of November 2015. 
Within two months  my joint pain ended and I now am free of ant-inflammatories. My night cramps are now very rare!

I have also stopped taking anti-depressants and have increased energy and sense of well-being.


Thank you, Des.

© 2016 by Absolute Ozone. All rights reserved.

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